Surat Resmi dan Surat Tidak Resmi


No: 28 / N11.8.4 / DIN / KP / 1.2017
Subject: Follow-up Workshop
Appendix: 2 (two) Sheets
PT. Maju Sejahtera
Jl. Raya Gatot Subroto No. 07 Bengkulu
Having discussed about the idea of conducting workshops together with PT Maju sejahtera, through this letter we invite PT Maju Sejahtera to conduct the workshop together.
The workshop will be held on 30th September 2017 in Angkasa jaya Hall. The material which will be discussed in this workshop is the process of making a flash animation. For more detail, we will give further information about the total cost and the technical implementation of the workshop.
For further information, we attach a proposal Workshop with this letter.
The main director of PT. Agkasa Jaya
Dr. Iskandar syahputra, M.pd


September 19, 2017
Joko Susanto
17 Tanjungkarang
Lampung, 34165
Susi Susanti, M.Pd
Garuda Hotel
195 South Telukbetung
Telukbetung, 14657
Dear Mrs. Susanti,
I am writing to complain about the service I have received from your hotel, Garuda Hotel.
Last week I visited Garuda Hotel with my family and booked one of your double-bed room left. When we arrived at 7 P.M on 12th September, our room was not ready and we had to wait in the car for a couple of hours.
When we entered our room, we found that there was only one bedroom. I had to sleep on the sofa.
The next morning, I went to the receptionist to complain. The receptionist talked wildly and informed us that there were no double-bed room free. So, I decided to leave your hotel and booked into a nearby hotel.
I am so dissatisfied with your hotel’s service and I would like a full refund. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Kotaraja, March 21, 2017
My best friend,
Rina Damanyanti
In Kotaraja
Greetings of friendship,
Hi, how are you? How did you fare? Healthy and happy right? Do you still planting roses? I’d love to meet you know Rin? You‘ll definitely add a pretty, huh? Or maybe add a fat?
Rina, my best friend. Since we split up, a lot of things going on here. Our city is growing very rapidly indeed. The building that used to be the place of performance and rehearsal drama that‘s been flattened to the ground. Now it has emerged the building super fancy, it’s a shame the place was just for shopping! It seemed impossible to run, let alone to stage the play.
Rin, the first, Yes! Don’t forget the reward. Wait are you! Convey my compliments to the mother and the father. Also Mas Dodi. Thank you Rin … see you in the coming holidays.
Until the news conference.

Your friends,
Marina Pertiwi


Bandar Lampung, 2 August 2017
Salam dear,
Assalamualaikum wr. WB.
Mother dear how are you? Best wishes always good and God bless ya bu I want to notify Mothers. kalau next month I will be home to meet mom. I’ve been impatient want to meet with the mother. It’s been a year I and the family did not visit. Happens to be a holiday next month the kids school holidays so it could participate. They miss their grandmother. They always just ask when on a vacation to the Lake to meet Grandma. They want to learn gardening with his mother said. So mom, keep maternal health Yes, don’t get too tired of work and a lot of take a rest. So when we got there can be blessed and enjoy the holidays together.
The first letter from mom, yes I pray there is no obstruction which means so that the plan can be realized. Thank you mom. Dear mother. mail wr. WB.

Greetings from your son dear,
Beautiful Putry


PT. Barakuda Muda
Jl. Bandara No.66, Palembang
Palembang, March 9th, 2017

To Mr. Jhonson Black
General Manager of PT. Markit Outfit
Jl. Pangeran No.33, Jakarta
Dear Mr. Jhonson,
We write this letter in order to request your honorable presence in our company 23rd Anniversary celebration. The celebration will be held on:
Date : March 16th, 2017
Hours        : 07.00 pm to 22.00 pm
Venue        : J & J Hotel, 10th floor meeting room

We hope Mr. And Mrs. Jhonson would be available to come and join us. We would like to see you both there in our company’s anniversary celebration.
Your Sincerely,
Andra Ceksa

General Manager PT. Barakuda Muda
SVP: (0812 8374 3444)Dress: Business


The Ministry of Education and Culture
Palembang University
Jl. Bangun No. 32 Palembang, Phone (0735) 354545

March 1st, 2017
Mr. Abdul Abirin
Social Services Office

Dear Mr. Abdul
We are the commitee of the Students Seminar of City Life Social Life need a speaker of social life in city society. We know that you are a lecturer and researcher of society social life. We want to have you in our seminar and talk a little about your research result.
We want to present a good new step for the new students in our department. I hope you can give us a little of your time to speak and give the material about social life in the big city in modern era. We will give you the detail of our seminar:
Date : March 15th, 2017
Place          : Seminar Hall on Social Department, Palembang University
Theme       : The Social Life in Big City In the New Era

We hope you would be available to give the material to our new students in our Department. Thank you for your attention.
Angga Radit
The Chairman of the Commitee


Marina Zulfani
Boby Rachman
By requesting mercy and blessings God
We invite you to come to our marriage and wedding ceremony
The marriage will be held on:
Day: Friday
Date: 15th September, 2017
Place: Al-Furqan Mosque
Gunung Batu Street No. 991
Teluk Betung
The wedding ceremony will be held on:
Day: Sunday
Date: 18th September, 2017
Venue: Al-Furqan Convention Hall
Gunung Batu Street No. 990
Teluk Betung
It is happiness for us if you can come and give your prayer to us.
Thank you very much.


Come one, come all to the annual Perum Jaga Baya Real Estate Party!
As you old-timers know, we are, Perum Jaga Baya Real Estate society, hold our block party in the intersection of Center and Perum Jaga Baya Real Estate every January.
This year the party will be on Thursday, January 26th, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
We have several new residents in the neighborhood who we want to welcome,
so it should be fun.
Arial Blue family will be the master of ceremonies for the “neighborhood roast.” Our guess is attempting to remove himself from the volley of appropriate insults he deserved for his Christmas decorations last year.
Please plan to come and call Mirda Blue at 0833-2434-7653 to arrange food assignments. See you there.
